Squamous carcinomas (90%)
Salivary gland tumors (adenocarcinoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma, mucoepidermoid carcinoma)
History and physical examination
ENT examination
Laryngoscopy with biopsy of suspicious lesions
CT and/or MRI of the head and neck
X-ray or CT of chest (to rule out metastatic disease or second primary tumor)
Needle biopsy of lymph node not associated with obvious primary tumor
Organ Site Specific Work-up
Ethmoid sinus: H&P, CT and/or MRI, CXR, pathology review if diagnosis with incomplete excision
Maxillary sinus: H&P, Head and neck CT with contrast ± MRI, CXR, dental/prosthetic consultation as indicated
Salivary glands: H&P, CT/MRI, CXR, pathology review
Lip, oral cavity: H&P, CT/MRI, parorex, biopsy, preanesthesia studies, dental evaluation
Hypopharynx: H&P, biopsy, CXR or chest CT, CT with contrast or MRI of primary and neck, examination under anesthesia with laryngoscopy/esophagoscopy, preanesthesia studies, dental evaluation, multidisciplinary consultation as indicated
Glottic larynx: Same work up as for hypopharynx + CT scan with contrast and thin cuts of the larynx or MRI of primary, speech and swallowing studies