Medical history and PE: attention to node-bearing areas, including the Waldeyer ring, and to size of liver and spleen
Performance status
Laboratory work-up: CBC with differential, LDH, comprehensive metabolic panel
Hepatitis B testing if CD20 monoclonal antibody contemplated
MUGA scan/echocardiogram if anthracycline-based regimen is indicated
Pregnancy testing in women of child-bearing age (if chemotherapy planned)
Unilateral bone marrow biopsy + aspirate
Useful in certain circumstances
Quantitative immunoglobulins
Reticulocyte count, haptoglobin, direct Coombs test
Uric acid
Chest, abdomen, and pelvis CT scans prior to initiation of therapy
Informative for prognostic and/or therapy determination
Cytogenetics/FISH analysis to detect: t(11q;v), +12, del(11q), del(13q), del(17p)
Determination of CD38 and Zap 70 expression
Immunoglobulin heavy-chain variable gene (IGHV) mutation status
NCI-working group diagnostic criteria
Absolute lymphocytosis in the peripheral blood with a count of ≥5 × 109 B lymphocytes and cells morphologically mature in appearance
The clonality of the B cells must be confirmed by flow cytometry
The monoclonal B-cell lymphocytes express low levels of surface immunoglobulins, simultaneously with CD5, CD23, CD19, and CD20
Hallek M et al. Blood 2008;111:5446–5456
Poor risk factors
Advanced clinical stage
Rapid lymphocyte doubling time (<6 months)
Diffuse bone marrow involvement
High LDH, β2-microglobulin
17p and 11q deletions (normal karyotype and trisomy 12 have an intermediate prognosis, while 13q deletion has a good prognosis)✫
Expression of CD38 (>30%)
Unmutated IGHV genes
Zap-70 expression (>30%)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is one of the most common leukemias in the Western world, characterized by the monoclonal proliferation of mature B lymphocytes in the blood, lymph nodes, and marrow. The diagnosis requires a count of over 5000 circulating CLL type cells per cubic millimeter. The median overall survival in patients with CLL is about ...