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II.E.001 Basophil


Normal basophil. Blood film. The field contains a basophil and lymphocyte. The dark blue basophilic granules characteristically obscure the nucleus. The granules are relatively large and easily resolved with the light microscope. In this case some cytoplasmic basophilic granules were lost in film preparation and the cell is partially degranulated as a result of the trauma of preparation. This finding is common in blood films.

II.E.002 Basophil


Normal basophil. Blood film. The dark blue basophilic granules characteristically cover the nucleus. The granules are relatively large and easily resolved with the light microscope. In this case cytoplasmic basophilic granules were lost in film preparation and the cell is partially degranulated as a result of the trauma of preparation, exposing the nucleus. This finding is common in blood films.

II.E.003 Basophil


Normal basophil. Blood film. The dark blue basophilic granules characteristically obscure the nucleus. The granules are relatively large and easily resolved with the light microscope. In this case cytoplasmic basophilic granules were lost in film preparation and the cell is partially degranulated as a result of the trauma of preparation, exposing the nucleus. This finding is common in blood films.

II.E.004 Basophil


Normal basophil. Blood film. The dark blue basophilic granules characteristically obscure the nucleus. The granules are relatively large and easily resolved with the light microscope. In this case cytoplasmic basophilic granules were lost in film preparation and the cell is partially degranulated as a result of the trauma of preparation, exposing the nucleus. This finding is common in blood films.

II.E.005 Basophil


Basophil. Blood film. Toluidine blue stain. The basophilic granules (cell in the middle) react with toluidine blue to stain deep blue to purple (arrow).

II.E.006 Basophils


Basophils. (A, B) Blood Films. Basophil. Intensely blue-purple cytoplasmic granules that partially obscure nucleus, which is typically bilobed. Unlike the neutrophil granule, basophil granules are large enough to be delineated by light microscopy.

II.E.007 Basophil


Basophil. (A) Marrow film. Eosinophil, myeloblast, basophil from left to right. Classical bilobed eosinophil nucleus with intensely stained orange colored granules as compared to basophil with intensely stained purple granules and obscured nuclear configuration. (B). Blood film. Basophil.

II.E.008 Basophil, Disrupted

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