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VII.G.001 Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia


Acute lymphocytic leukemia. Marrow films. (A) Leukemic lymphoblasts ranging from small to medium in size with a very high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio and condensed chromatin and inconspicuous nucleoli. (B) Leukemic lymphoblasts ranging from small to medium size with a very high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio and condensed chromatin and inconspicuous nucleoli. Note large lymphoblast with azure granules. The latter may be seen in this disorder and can be the predominant cell type.

VII.G.002 Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia


Acute lymphocytic leukemia. Marrow films. (A) Leukemic lymphoblasts ranging from small to large size with a very high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio and condensed chromatin but conspicuous nucleoli in some cases multiple. Note scalloped nuclear margin of the larger lymphoblasts. (B) Leukemic lymphoblasts ranging from small to large size with a very high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio and condensed chromatin and very conspicuous nucleoli. Note small lymphoblasts with pseudonucleoli, which is cytoplasm trapped in the center of the nucleus. In the cell at the top left, this phenomenon gives the appearance of a doughnut.

VII.G.003 Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia


Acute lymphocytic leukemia. (A) Blood film. Leukemic lymphoblasts ranging from small to large size with a very high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio. The small blasts have condensed chromatin and usually inconspicuous nucleoli. The large blast has a finer chromatin pattern and overt nucleoli. (B) Marrow film. Leukemic lymphoblasts ranging from small to large size. The medium sized and large blasts have a finer chromatin pattern and overt nucleoli. The small blasts have condensed chromatin and usually less conspicuous nucleoli. (C) Marrow film. Higher power. Leukemic lymphoblasts ranging from small to large size. The medium sized and large blasts have a finer chromatin pattern and overt nucleoli. The small blasts have condensed chromatin and less conspicuous nucleoli.

VII.G.004 Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia


Acute lymphocytic leukemia. (A) Blood film. Leukemic lymphoblasts ranging from small to large size with a very high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio. These blasts have condensed chromatin and nucleoli are evident in the large- and mid-sized blasts. (B) Marrow film. Marrow replaced with lymphoblasts ranging in size from small to large. The smaller blasts have condensed chromatin and the larger blasts have finer chromatin patterns and more conspicuous nucleoli. A large orthochromatic erythroblast with atypical nuclear chromatin pattern and nuclear fragment is present (megaloblastoid cell).

VII.G.005 Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, Peroxidase Stain


Acute lymphocytic leukemia. (A) Blood film. Leukemic lymphoblasts ranging from small to medium size with ...

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