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X.C.001 CD3, T Lymphocytes


CD3 immunostain of T lymphocytes. This reddish-brown reaction product identifies T lymphocytes. This image shows staining of a background of polyclonal reactive T lymphocytes amidst the centroblasts of large B cell lymphoma (e.g., asterisks).

X.C.002 CD10, Germinal Center B Lymphocytes


CD10 immunostain of germinal center B lymphocytes. This reddish-brown reaction product identifies, in this case, neoplastic follicular B cells, an immunophenotype that resembles normal germinal center cells.

X.C.003 CD15, Reed-Sternberg Cells


CD15 immunostain of Reed-Sternberg cells. The reddish-brown reaction product stains the cytoplasm of Reed-Sternberg cell (large binucleate cell in center of field) (arrow) and Reed-Sternberg variant cell (smaller mononuclear cells with reddish-brown reaction product in the cytoplasm) (asterisk) in a case of classical Hodgkin lymphoma.

X.C.004 CD20, B Lymphocytes


CD20 immunostain of B lymphocytes. The reddish-brown reaction product stains neoplastic lymphocytes with a B cell phenotype. Reactive T lymphocytes are unstained.

X.C.005 CD30, Red-Sternberg Cells


CD30 immunostain of Reed-Sternberg cells. This reddish-brown reaction product identifies Reed-Sternberg and Reed-Sternberg variant cells in Hodgkin lymphoma. Note classical binucleate Reed-Sternberg cell (e.g., arrow) and mononuclear variant Reed-Sternberg cells (e.g., asterisk). This immunostain also reacts with anaplastic large cell lymphoma and activated lymphocytes.

X.C.006 CD34 Stain. Acute myelogenous leukemia


CD34 stain for myeloblasts. Marrow biopsy. (A) Marrow shows replacement by monotonous population of blast cells. (B) Anti-CD34 staining of blast cells confirms the myeloblastic nature of the acute leukemia.

X.C.007 CD45RO, T. Lymphocytes


CD45R0 immunostain of T lymphocytes. This reddish-brown reaction product identifies the T cell origin of the tumor cells, as in this case of angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma.

X.C.008 CD138 and Light Chain Immunostain. Myeloma


A patient with myeloma undergoing chemotherapy. (A).Marrow biopsy stained with H & E. Occasional plasma cells noted.(B) Immunostain for CD138 (syndecan-1) shows numerous plasma cells. (C)Immunostain for lambda light chain indicates virtually all plasma cells expressing lambda light chains (D)Immunostain for kappa light chains. Only a rare positive plasma cells confirming substantial monoclonal plasma cell infiltrate (monoclonal lambda light chain type).

X.C.009 Cylin-D1, Mantle Cell Lymphoma

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