Medical history and PE: attention to node-bearing areas, including the Waldeyer ring, and to size of liver and spleen
Performance status
Laboratory work-up: CBC with differential, LDH, comprehensive metabolic panel
Useful in certain circumstances
Quantitative immunoglobulins
Reticulocyte count, haptoglobin, direct Coombs test
Uric acid
Chest, abdomen, and pelvis CT scans with contrast of diagnostic quality prior to initiation of therapy
Hepatitis B testing if CD20 monoclonal antibody contemplated
Pregnancy testing in women of child-bearing age (if chemotherapy planned)
Unilateral bone marrow biopsy + aspirate at initiation of therapy
MUGA scan/echocardiogram if anthracycline-based regimen is indicated
PET/CT scan to direct nodal biopsy, if histologic transformation is suspected
Discussion of sperm banking and fertility issues
Informative for prognostic and/or therapy determination
CpG-stimulated metaphase karyotype
FISH analysis to detect: +12, del(11q), del(13q), del(17p)
TP53 sequencing
Molecular analysis to detect immunoglobulin heavy-chain variable gene (IGHV) mutation status
NCI working group diagnostic criteria
Absolute lymphocytosis in the peripheral blood with a count of ≥5 × 109 B lymphocytes and cells morphologically mature in appearance
The clonality of the B cells must be confirmed by flow cytometry
The monoclonal B-cell lymphocytes express low levels of surface immunoglobulins, simultaneously with CD5, CD23, CD19, and CD20
Hallek M et al. Blood 2008;111:5446–5456
Unfavorable risk factors
Advanced clinical stage
Rapid lymphocyte doubling time (<6 months)
TP53 mutation by DNA sequencing, and/or del(17p)
Unmutated IGHV genes (≤2 % mutation)
Diffuse bone marrow lymphocytic involvement
del(11q) by interphase (FISH) cytogenetics (normal karyotype and trisomy 12 have an intermediate prognosis, while 13q deletion has a good prognosis)✫
Complex karyotype (≥3 unrelated) on conventional karyotyping
CD38 (>30%), ZAP-70 expression (>20%), CD49d (>30%) measured via flow cytometry
✫Döehner H et al. N Engl J Med 2000;343:1910–1916