Multidisciplinary evaluation
History and physical examination
CBC and chemistry profile
CT abdomen with contrast; CT/ultrasound pelvis in women
Chest imaging✫
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD)
PET-CT or PET scan (optional)
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) (optional)
Helicobacter pylori test† (optional)
✫A combined CT scan of chest and abdomen is a pragmatic option
†Chey WD et al. Am J Gastroenterol 2007;102:1808–1825
Locoregional (stages cT1b-cT4a; cM0):
Laparoscopy is performed to evaluate for peritoneal spread when considering chemoradiation or surgery.
Laparoscopy is not indicated if a palliative resection is planned. Laparoscopy allows patients to be categorized into one of the following groups:
Medically fit (medically able to tolerate major abdominal surgery), potentially resectable
Medically fit (medically able to tolerate major abdominal surgery), unresectable
Medically unfit
Stage IV (cT4b; cM1):
No further work-up necessary
Note: PET-CT may have a role for monitoring chemotherapy response
Stemmermann GN et al. Gastric cancer: pathology. In: Kelsen DP et al (editors). Gastrointestinal Oncology: Principles and Practice. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008:257–274
Borrmann Classification
Based on gross appearance
Any of the 4 types may coexist
Lauren Classification
Pattern of local invasion based on histologic features
Intestinal: composed of cohesive neoplastic cells that form glands and tubular structures
Diffuse: scattered neoplastic cells that invade individually with minimal intercellular cohesion
World Health Organization Classification
Intraepithelial neoplasia—adenoma
Adenocarcinoma (intestinal type, diffuse type)
Papillary adenocarcinoma
Tubular adenocarcinoma
Mucinous adenocarcinoma
Signet ring cell carcinoma
Adenosquamous carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma
Undifferentiated carcinoma